Unknown6/10/2012 10:32:00 PM 0 comments

I want to share my feelings and photos from our Auschwitz - Birkenau last year visit. I'm sure most of you read or watch movies about Nazi Death Camps and know it is one of biggest shame of humankind. I wont give you information about these camps. I just want to say it is "a must" to see.
It is so easy to go from Krakow. Just 1,5 hour with bus. Go to RDA - Regionalny Dworzec Autobusowy  (regional bus station) in Krakow, under the train station in Krakow Glowny and find buses which goes to Oświęcim. But you have to ask driver, where to get out from bus. Because you have to walk around 5-10 minutes to reach entrance of the museum. After buying your ticket which is not expensive, you have to wait for a guide. Its an obligation to have a guide with 15 people group. They are asking for your language and you get badge. This color of badge shows which language you speak and you are joining one group. There are 2 parts of camp and you are starting with Auschwitz then going to Birkenau with bus together.
I can honestly say this place is saddest darkest place i have ever been. Rooms, cells, prisoners beds, clothes, hair, shoes, letters... You feel like this holocaust just happened and they just left this camp. Most of the these things are in Auschwitz Camp. I mean Museum part is in Auschwitz. All items from camp days, room of luggages, shoes, clothes, wall of death, Nazi Soldier offices, gas rooms (there were also so many gas rooms in Birkenau but all of them demolished). We were there on August but weather was not sunny just grey. It made this trip more depressive.
In Birkenau a railway is welcoming you. Nazis made railway to carry prisoners. Birkenau is built in really huge area. There were hundreds of buildings but most of them are demolished. You can see ruins of gas rooms and other buildings where prisoners lived. You can see public toilet system and kitchen sytem in Birkenau. And there's also monument of holocaust in Birkenau between demolished gas rooms.
When we were leaving from Birkenau. There was a camera filming an old guy who was survivor of this hell. And then he started to share stories with visitors. When he was talking with Armenian girl, they started to share their hates to Turkish people about Armenian Genocide... He was saying it was another biggest shame of humankind and big holocaust like Auschwitz.
Now I want to share photos which we took our trip. I am sure words are not enough to show emotions so maybe some of photos can help.
for more information
Arbeit Macht Frei

Drawings shows prisoners are entering from camp doors.

Nazi officers were living in Auschwitz with their families and Prisoners who live there were serving to them.

Map of cities where Jewish community has been gathered.

Beside millions of Jewish, 150.000 Polish, Gypsies and other  ethnic groups has been murdered here.

Nazis sent news to Jewish community who lives in Greece that "we are building a big  secured  Jewish  city where all Jewish people can live in peace". And Greek Jews sold what they have and got train tickets to Auschwitz. 

Zyklon B gas.

First topview picture of both camps. If I am not wrong an American pilot took it

Glasses of prisoners.


Kitchen stuffs.

Soldiers took everything they have when they were getting out. And some of them wrote their names to find  their luggage easily after it.


One of scariest photo


Brushes, Combs etc.

Shoe-polish boxes.

Striped prisoner cloth.

Photos and short information of all prisoners on the wall.

Cloth of a baby. It was saddest picture for me.

Nazi officer's room. Hitler was on the wall.

Wall of Death. Most of execution were here.

Birkenau Door

Birkenau watch tower.

their toilet system. They have to use it in limited time. and there were not channels at the beginning. Prisoners were  going this holes and clean it with bucket. Then they made channels with a Doctor's order.

3 floor bedsteads.

Demolished Gasroom in Birkenau

About The Author Polska Turka Polska Turka. Facebook and Twitter


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