Podziemia Rynku
Unknown6/07/2012 10:30:00 PM 2 comments

We visited great underground museum under great Krakow Market Square on my last trip  to Poland. It was totally spontaneous when we were heading back to home after drinking coffee in Coffee Heaven. It was pretty cold for May if you compare 2 days ago we had great weather. But we found somewhere warm and interesting. Podziemia Rynku. "Rynku" comes from Polish word "Rynek" which means marketplace and "Podziemia" means underground.
It's open on everyday until 8 during winter time and until 10! at night during summer time. Entrance is 17zl (10 lira, 4€) and 14zl for students. Entrance door is located Souvenir Market place where is middle of square.
This museum is in middle of old city, you see just items from medieval times but this old center found in 2005. Museum is opened in 2010. Here are two pictures from 2005 and 2006. They has been taken from Mariacki Church and you see old Market from the top view.

Underground Museum is welcoming you with laser projections, videos on giant screens and multi-touch information screens. It sounds from a technology museum but of course it's not. You see shoes, tools, jewelry, skeletons, coins and clothes from 11th or 13th centuries. They combine really well technological visual installations with medieval times atmosphere. Because you are seeing old wooden column of a building which has found in under the ground and next to it. you see items which is found next to it on touch screens and of course you have information in several languages. 
There is one way route to follow to see everything. At the beginning you are having information about trade roads in Europe which cross to Krakow. Then You are starting to see how people was living in Krakow. What they were doing. They filmed these medieval times so good. And you can watch related movies next to an item or room. Or you hear hammer knocking sounds when you are next to blacksmith shop. 
Water effect with laser projection installation with sound.

Trade Roads which shows connection Europe to Istanbul.

Historical Salt Rock :)

3D Holograms.

Another curtain projection. Medieval citizens are welcoming you on entrance.


Original walls of historic shops and buildings.


Pieces from tools and jewelery


Mr. Pawel Kubiak ? :)

Prada horseshoes

From a building.

Modern books.

Beside all of these. There is nice 3D visual show in a room which explain history of all kings from Poland. If you will be tired of standing and walking You can have a seat and watch great documentary about Krakow with English subtitles. They made this museum pretty interesting for kids. We also saw so many group of school kids who were enjoying in special rooms, reading, watching animations, playing and learning about their history in real historical town. Also there's also exhibition area to see.
I highly recommend this place if you visit Krakow. Of course it will depend how long you will watch videos but it will take around 2-3 hours to see everything. Its usually dark but ceiling is high from ground and there's always enough place to breath :) So worries if you have claustrophobia or something.

About The Author Polska Turka Polska Turka. Facebook and Twitter


  1. such a great post!

  2. no doubts! I have to go there while visiting Poland! Keep good work on, mr Bora!
