There are 2 major brands. Efes Pilsen and Tuborg. Efes is local and biggest beer brand in Turkey. which also have facilities in Russia, Serbia, Kazakhstan and Moldova. You may see named "Efes Pilsener" in supermarkets.
Turk Tuborg company has been running in Turkey since 1960s as a competitor of Efes. As you know Tuborg is from Denmark. And you can find it in hundreds of countries under Tuborg and Carlsberg names.
Lets start to details with Efes Pilsen. Efes Pilsen is founded at 1969. Name is coming from ancient Greek city Ephesus. And Efes is leading beer market in Turkey.
Efes Beverage Group has so many brands under its root. For example they are marketing and distributing Miller, Foster's and Beck's as international brands. Lemon-Agave beer named Mariachi and Mariachi-black. Economic beer brand Marmara Gold. Wheat beer brand Gusta. %100 Malt beer Bomonti.
Strong beers called Efes Extra (%8 alc.) cheaper strong beer brand is Red Marmara Gold. Dark beers called Efes Dark and Gusta Dark in 33 cl bottles. Efes Light as a light product and non-alcoholic beers are Efes Alcohol Free and Ritmix Fruit drinks.
Efes is also most popular in bars and pubs as draft beer. You will see their logo everywhere when you visit Turkey. If you want to try draft beer at home you can find it in bottles and 5 liters can draft in supermarkets.
Efes is popular with bottle type. People call it "fat bottle".
Most of tourists satisfy taste of Efes beside German and Czechs :) Efes Pilsen is also sponsor of basketball team Anadolu Efes (named Efes Pilsen until 2011.) Main sponsor of "Efes One Love Festival" and sponsor of so many other summer festivals.

Tuborg has 3 different types. Tuborg Gold, Tuborg Draft Beer and Red Tuborg. There was green bottle Tuborg in the past which was my favorite.
Tuborg also supports summer festivals rock festivals and concerts in bars. Which we wrote one rock festival Tuborg Goldfest on July in our blog.
Where you can buy beer in Turkey? There's special shops which sells alcohols called "Tekel". It means monopoly. Alcohol market was a monopoly in the past and biggest beer brand was Tekel birası. Government was controling all market. Even cigarettes. So these shop names stayed as Tekel. And most of them are open late midnight. Beside Tekel shops, these supermarkets sell beers; Migros, DiaSA, CarrefourSA etc. You can also find imported international brands not unlike Budweiser, Amstel, Heineken, Leffe etc. But prices are not less than 5 lira. which is around 2,20€.
What about prices? Normal beers are 50 cl (Tuborg Gold and Efes fat bottle) and prices are 3,50 Lira at supermarkets.(1,5 €) Miller, Corona, Mariachi, Beck's in 33 cl bottles and prices are between 4 and 5 lira.
Marmara Gold and Venus are cheaper price. 1litre of Marmara Gold is not more than 5 lira and has really good taste. I can recommend it as an economical option.
And if you ask about pubs. In Taksim district 50 cl draft beer is around 7 lira (3 €). But its also possible to be charged 10 lira or 15. It depends what kind of place you are going.
As you can see beer prices are pretty expensive if you compare with europe. If you compare with Poland. Turkey is last place to buy beer.
Here are some beer ads. And Government doesnt allow to view beer advertisements on TV. You can watch only on internet and cinemas before movie.
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